From one to five colors, roll to roll, cut sheet or fan fold and over 300+ dies , we offer a solution to any application.
Labels are one of the most complicated printed documents you will use. They are a system which could include a printer, adhesive, environmental and other critical requirements.
METRFORM has a series of labels designed to fit any application. Our online store is has an extenstive selection, where you’ll sure to find the type and style of label you’re looking for. And don’t forget that METROFORM is always there to help – when you need it!
Our experienced staff is knowledgeable in application systems and the technical requirements of bar code labels.
We provide pre-printed labels and tags with or without bar coding or other variable information. We also provide labels you may image on-site with laser, thermal or thermal transfer printers.
Please visit either of the links on this page to shop ” on-line” for either “stock” blank labels or “custom” printed labels.
Custom Labels | Stock Labels

For almost 20 years, Metroform has been providing document information solutions to businesses, nonprofits, government, and educational institutions. Our goal is to provide innovative and creative document solutions that will increase your productivity, enhance your image and improve your bottom line.
METROFORM’S talented professional staff offers more than 75 years of combined experience in forms, graphic design, commercial printing, barcode systems, direct mail, electronic data capture and variable imaging. We strive to build longstanding relationships with our clients so that you think of us first for your all your business document needs.
Add in our commitment to providing cutting edge e-commerce and technology based solutions, and METROFORM takes the headaches out of managing your printed and electronic document requirements.
You provide the challenges: and from “concept to completion” METROFORM will provide solutions for all your business document needs!